TeleHealth/TeleMedicine Patients FAQ’S:

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is defined as being the distribution of health related services. CFAS works as a telehealth and telemedicine platform, connecting Patients with available Doctors. Our telehealth services allow you to meet with Doctors in record time, without the hassle of waiting in an office. But, if telehealth isn’t your thing, we also have options for you to meet in person with Doctor’s near you.

Is this telemedicine?

CFAS’s medical specialist has the option of offering; both in-person and telemedicine visits, in-person only, or telemedicine only.
The search results display the doctor’s “Visit Type Available” with each doctor listed. If both visit types are available, you will be prompted to choose how you want to meet the doctor when you book the appointment.

Does CFAS have video (telemedicine) consults?

Our highly-qualified CFAS medical specialists does offer telemedicine visits. The search results display the doctor’s “Visit Type Available” with the doctor listed. If both in-person and telemedicine visit types are available, you will be prompted to choose how you want to meet the doctor when you book the appointment.

I’m looking for urgent care or emergency care near me.

CFAS offices are not urgent care facilities or emergency departments, and you should seek urgent/emergency care in cases of true emergencies, but you will be seen by a highly-trained, highly-qualified medical specialist as soon as within 24 hours which can avoid having to undergo lengthy wait times in these facilities and often can avoid the much higher expenses associated in said facilities by seeking quickly accessible specialized care. A telehealth consult visit is a great use to triage your podiatric concern and determine if you need urgent/emergent services. Avoid Double and Triple Billing. Often times these facilities will prescribe antibiotics, or apply an inappropriate bandage or boot/cast and send their bill for service and set you up with a follow-up appointment with a specialist who will then have to bill for their services. Avoid being double or triple billed and get the proper care the first time around. Common examples we see are infected ingrown nails that aren’t removed and given antibiotics for us to remove later, a missed fracture or tendon laceration and patient discharged in regular shoes without proper  weigthbearing instructions, or an infected wound that was seen and not debrided. Please note, CFAS is not liable for patients choosing to not seek emergency care in events of true limb-threatening, medical or life threatening emergencies. We support the use of urgent and emergency care services and direct patients to these services when needed.

What if I’m in college/I’m the parent of a college student?

Student healthcare is our priority too. CFAS accepts all major credit cards. Student health insurance can be used for subsequent visits.

I need to book a doctor visit, but hate waiting on hold.

Book a doctor appointment online on our website using the CFAS self service widget. Your appointment will occur with a nearby doctor in person. No phone call or waiting on hold necessary. Of course, phone call and email are always available options.